StudyHammer is designed to function as a standalone app, but it can also be used in conjunction with our free Parent and Teacher Portals.
Create an unlimited number of Study Guides
Questions can be short answer, multiple choice, or a combination of both
Set available times to get push notifications, plus a Pause button
Set the number of Questions per hour with an optional Shuffle feature
Create and share with a Study Buddy, or group of Study Buddies
See how everyone is doing with their Answer Streaks, in Standings
Answer a Question and keep going, or just wait for the next one
Show an Answer and be ready to nail it the next time
The goal of our Landmark Game (with Fun Facts) was to make studying suck less. It was conceived as an interdisciplinary learning tool and integrated as a "build" gaming mechanic, creating a sense of wonder, size, and scope about the world around us.
Students have the ability to build these historic Landmarks, by earning Building Blocks by answering Questions. It's a visual representation of their progress and it dangles the proverbial carrot, to keep them progressing and thinking about the next one.
We have a list of 500+ Landmarks, but we aren't stopping there. Our Students are also interested in art, nature, people, and more. That's why we're working on a Music Game, an Artwork Game, a Plant Game, an Animal Game, and a Public Figure Game.
Answering 5 Questions earns a Building Block and each Landmark is completed with 10 Blocks.
In Easy mode, Students earn a Block when they attempt 5 Answers, regardless of getting them correct or incorrect.
Change it to Difficult mode and Students will only earn a Block after they get 5 Answers correct.
Teachers can encourage their Students to choose Difficult mode, when preparing for an upcoming test, or exam.
Each Block comes with a multidisciplinary Fun Fact about that Landmark. These add context and content in geography, science, history, and more.
If it helps, Teachers can use these as additional reference points in their lesson plan development. More knowledge, more fun. Right?
StudyHammer is socially designed for cooperative learning between Teachers, Parents, and Students. That's why we created free, detailed, and data-driven portals for both Teachers and Parents.
Review charts and reports, with full analytics and exportable data
Teachers can easily create Study Guides in a variety of ways
Share Study Guides with a class, group, or an individual student
Track their progress across a customizable date range, in real-time